Say I have a dom node like so:
org.w3c.dom.Element node:
<node id="101">
<node id="102">
<node id="103" />
<node id="104">
<node id="103" />
To transform the id attribute I would do the following in my Java Code:
String nodeId = node.getAttribute("id");
String newNodeId = "prefix/" + nodeId;
The above node would then is then transformed to:
<node id="prefix/101">
<node id="102">
<node id="103" />
<node id="104">
<node id="103" />
But, I want to recursively modify all the subnodes. The expected transformed node is:
<node id="prefix/101">
<node id="prefix/102">
<node id="prefix'103" />
<node id="prefix/104">
<node id="prefix/103" />
I could loop through the child nodes but then node may have multiple levels of children. In this case, the root has two sub-levels. But, if there are more sub-levels then looping through child nodes of every level seems a bit awkward. Is there a more straight forward approach to achieve this task?
Thanks, Sony
You could use XPath to get a list of all the nodes you want to modify:
The document will now consist of this: