I am working on existing project. I have to detect tinyMCE focusout/blur
event to save it automatically via AJAX. I found following existing working code:
// reinit tinymce
$($("#chapterBill div:.module-container")[indexAfter]).find('textarea').each(function(i){
editorId = $(this).attr('id');
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddControl',true, editorId);
Can someone tell me that how to capture tinyMCE textarea focusout/blur
event ?
You do not want to capture textarea focus/blur. Tinymce hides the former textarea and creates a contenteditable iframe in which you can enter/edit content. This content gets written to the former hidden textarea from time to time (eventbased).
In order to capture focusout/blur on the editor you need to set a handler for this on the editors iframe.
Put this code into your tinymce init