I'm writing a code in C++ with the support of the GNU Scientific Libraries. I've properly installed them and in order to compile them from the Terminal I just have to write the following:
g++ $(gsl-config --cflags) filename.cpp $(gsl-config --libs)
Now, I'm a TextMate user, and I would like to modify the standard Run command from the C bundle in order to compile my cpp files with the right gsl options. The problem is the TextMate.Executor function, that I totally ignore and for which I haven't found any exhaustive reference.
Here's what I have tried:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/executor"
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/save_current_document"
mode = ENV["TM_SCOPE"].slice(/.*?\bsource\.((?:obj)?c(\+\+)?)/, 1)
case mode
when "c"
g = "GCC"
env = "C"
ext = "c"
lang = "c"
when "c++"
g = "GXX"
env = "CXX"
ext = "cc"
lang = "c++"
when "objc"
g = "GCC"
env = "OBJC"
ext = "m"
lang = "objective-c"
when "objc++"
g = "GXX"
env = "OBJCXX"
ext = "mm"
lang = "objective-c++"
flags = ENV["TM_#{env}_FLAGS"] || "-Wall -include stdio.h $(gsl-config --cflags) "
args = [ENV["TM_#{g}"] || g.downcase.gsub("x", "+"), flags + " -x #{lang}", ENV["TM_FILEPATH"]+" $(gsl-config --libs)"]
TextMate::Executor.run(args, :version_args => ["--version"])
This doesn't quite answer your question, but might instead be a more preferable thing to do (and, arguably the more recommended thing to do?)
Create a Makefile for your code. Here's a stripped-down version of mine:
Now in your "project," navigate to the Makefile and press ⌘+M