I have a testng xml file that is setup to run a specific class that has methods containing the following group tags or are grouped as one of the following:
- parallel-test
- sequential-test
- smoke-test
Although some of my tests are designated as either parallel or sequential, some of the test may contain an additional tag 'smoke-test.' In this scenario, I want to be able to just run those that are grouped as 'smoke-test.' When I run the tests, it either cannot find any tests or it just runs all tests grouped as 'sequential-test.' I cannot seem to restrict the test run from this xml file to just those tests grouped as 'smoke-test.' In the same class, I have multiple testNG methods that have either the 'parallel-test' group or the 'sequential-test' group. What it looks like the TestNG xml file is doing is just ignoring the 'parallel-test' group. Thats great, but what if there is Testng method that contains the group 'parallel-test' and 'smoke-test?' I want to run every test regardless of whether it is for parallel testing or sequential, but ONLY those that have the additional group tag 'smoke-test.' My environment is the following:
- IntelliJ
- Maven
- TestNG
- Java
Please help. See sample test method in the WebTest.Test class:
@Test(groups = {"sequential-test","smoke-test"},description = "Test will validate something")
public void RunTest()
//do something
Here is the sample xml file below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<!--This is a template to be modified for QA environment tests-->
<suite name="Smoke Test">
<listener class-name="Listeners.Listeners"/>
<listener class-name="Listeners.ExtentListeners"/>
<parameter name="environment" value="QA"></parameter>
<test verbose="2" name="Sequential tests" parallel="methods" thread-count="1">
<exclude name="parallel-test"/>
<class name="WebTests.Test">
<include name="smoke-test"/>
Below XML Suite should run the all test method having group 'smoke-test'