Testing HashSets in doctest

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I am trying to test HashSet using doctest via iex. If I run the line below, it gives the same result, but the #HashSet<["rockerboo"]>} can not be represented in the syntax. I can't think of a way to represent it properly, and I can't find any examples of it. Thanks!

  @doc """
  Adds user to HashSet in state

  ## Examples
      iex> Elirc.Channel.add_user_to_state("rockerboo", %{users: HashSet.new})
      %{users: #HashSet<["rockerboo"]>}
  def add_user_to_state(user, state) do
    %{state | users: HashSet.put(state.users, user) }

When running mix test, I get the following error.

 Doctest did not compile, got: (TokenMissingError) lib/elirc/channel.ex:99: missing terminator: } (for "{" starting at line 99)
 code: %{users: #HashSet<["rockerboo"]>}

Line 99 is %{state...


There are 3 answers

Paweł Obrok On BEST ANSWER

You can construct your HashSet in a different way so that it's a valid Elixir expression. For example this worked for me:

## Examples
  iex> Elirc.Channel.add_user_to_state("rockerboo", %{users: HashSet.new})
  %{users: ["rockerboo"] |> Enum.into(HashSet.new)}

This is also the approach that is recommended by the ExUnit.DocTest documentation under "Opaque Types"

José Valim On

Paweł's answer is correct. Another alternative is to "massage" the data in the doctest. For example, this would work:

  iex> state = Elirc.Channel.add_user_to_state("rockerboo", %{users: HashSet.new})
  iex> state.users


  iex> state = Elirc.Channel.add_user_to_state("rockerboo", %{users: HashSet.new})
  iex> Enum.to_list(state.users)

I have expanded the doctest section linked by Paweł to include both his and mine examples: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/64e5f4876007d840edee3040c43e8f98095b8e3d/lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/doc_test.ex#L77

bitwalker On

Well your problem is that you are trying to represent something that isn't possible, a HashDict entry with either no key or no value. HashDict.put(state.users, "rockerboo") would fail because put requires 3 arguments, a HashDict, a key, and a value. Assuming you had something like name: "rockerboo" though:

iex> %{users: Enum.into([name: "rockerboo"], HashDict.new)} %{users: #HashDict<[name: "rockerboo"]>}

The above works as expected.