Telecom Connection onHold and onUnhold aren't getting called

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onHold and onUnhold functions won't get triggered when I receive a GSM call and pick it up while I'm on an active call through my app. onDisconnect callback gets triggered when I answer the GSM call. Am I missing something in my implementation?

So, I've integrated the telecom subsystem into my app. I've also set the capabilities for the connection and included CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD, like shown below,

class VoiceConnectionService : ConnectionService() {

   var activeConnection: Connection? = null

   override fun onCreateIncomingConnection(
        connectionManagerPhoneAccount: PhoneAccountHandle,
        request: ConnectionRequest
    ): Connection? {
        val incomingCallConnection = createConnection(request)
        return incomingCallConnection

    private fun createConnection(request: ConnectionRequest): Connection? {
        activeConnection = TelecomConnection()

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            (activeConnection as TelecomTwilioConnection).connectionProperties = Connection.PROPERTY_SELF_MANAGED
        (activeConnection as TelecomTwilioConnection).connectionCapabilities = Connection.CAPABILITY_MUTE
        (activeConnection as TelecomTwilioConnection).connectionCapabilities = Connection.CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD
        return activeConnection

But the callback functions in TelecomConnection class won't get triggered when I'm on an active call through this app and then I receive a GSM call and if I answer it, onHold and onUnhold won't get called.

class TelecomConnection : Connection() {

   override onHold() { }
   override onUnhold() { }
<service android:name=".twilio.telecom.VoiceConnectionService"
                <action android:name="android.telecom.ConnectionService" />

There are 1 answers

Jitendra Reddy On BEST ANSWER

I was able to get it working by adding the capabilities in the following way,

var capabilities: Int = (activeConnection as TelecomTwilioConnection).connectionCapabilities or Connection.CAPABILITY_MUTE
        capabilities = capabilities or Connection.CAPABILITY_HOLD
        capabilities = capabilities or Connection.CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD
        (activeConnection as TelecomTwilioConnection).connectionCapabilities = capabilities