I am trying to make a widget take up 1/3 the screen regardless of the phone orientation. How do I accomplish this?
What would be a good way for a widget to take 1/3 of the screen?
2k views Asked by Mark At
There are 3 answers
You should try using Expanded widgets as the children of your row, like so:
new Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
new Expanded(
child: yourFirstContentWidget,
new Expanded(
child: yourNextContentWidget,
new Expanded(
child: yourLastContentWidget,
The Expanded widgets will each try to fill as much space of the row as possible. Since there are three of them, they will have to share the space and you'll end up with each taking up 1/3 of the row.
I got what I wanted by using a Column and wrapping the contents in Flexible and changing the flex to get the child to take up 1/3 the screen: