I am looking at contributing to the Delphi SynEdit project with a syntax-highlighter for the Health Level 7 (HL7) v2 messaging Standard. I have no experience of creating a highlighter from scratch and there are two quirks that I have stumbled upon that differ from existing highlighters:
- Fixed position keywords - first three characters of every line
- Delimiters are defined in the begining of the message
Is there anyone out there who has any SynEdit experice with HL7 or similar syntaxes e.g. Edifact, X12?
I've created a crude prototype using the OnPaintTransient
event-handler which in fact works better than I anticipated :-) Basically it does the following:
- Highlight each Segment ID navy-blue - first three characters on ever line. No checking done if the value is a valid segment.
- Highlight all field delimiters grey - defined as the fourth character in MSH segment
- Highlight all other delimiters blue - defined in the field called Encoding Characters, which is the first field after the MSH segment ID.
- The delimiter values used in the MSH segment are the delimiter values used throughout the entire message.
- skip highlighting if underlying text is selected - looks prettier in my implementation.
Below is a screen-dump of the results when inserting the example message found at Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Level_7 into a TSynMemo component.
Code OnPaintTransient
procedure TFormMain.SynMemoMsgPaintTransient(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas;
TransientType: TTransientType);
i, j: Integer;
DP: TDisplayCoord;
SelStartCoord, SelEndCoord, BC : TBufferCoord;
Pt: TPoint;
FieldDelimiter : char; // MSH|
Delimiters : string; // All message delimiters (including field delimiter)
IsSelected : boolean;
//Avoid drawing twice - Only enter if TransientType = ttAfter.
if TransientType = ttBefore then exit;
//Exit if no text
if SynMemoMsg.Lines.Count = 0 then exit;
//Exit if message does not start with MSH (Message header segment)
if not AnsiStartsText('MSH', SynMemoMsg.Lines[0]) then exit;
//Get the message's delimiters specified as the characters directly after MSH
FieldDelimiter := Copy(SynMemoMsg.Lines[0], 4, 1)[1];
Delimiters := Copy(SynMemoMsg.Lines[0], 4, 5);
//Find out if any text is selected by the user - we will exclude this text from highlighting
SelStartCoord := SynMemoMsg.CharIndexToRowCol(SynMemoMsg.SelStart);
SelEndCoord := SynMemoMsg.CharIndexToRowCol(SynMemoMsg.SelEnd);
//parse evry visible line
for i := SynMemoMsg.TopLine to ((SynMemoMsg.TopLine + SynMemoMsg.LinesInWindow )-1) do
//Highlight Segment ID, i.e. in this implementation the first 3 chars in each line
BC.Char := 1;
BC.Line := i;
//If whole line is selected then continue to next line without highlighting current
if (SelStartCoord.Line < BC.Line) and (SelEndCoord.Line > BC.Line) then continue;
DP := SynMemoMsg.BufferToDisplayPos(BC);
Pt := SynMemoMsg.RowColumnToPixels(DP);
if ((SelStartCoord.Line = BC.Line) and (SelStartCoord.Char > 3))
or ((SelStartCoord.Line <> BC.Line) and (SelEndCoord.Line <> BC.Line))
or (SynMemoMsg.SelLength = 0) then
Canvas.Font.Color := clNavy;
Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
Canvas.TextOut (Pt.X - 1, Pt.Y, Copy(SynMemoMsg.Lines[i - 1], 1, 3)); //Move the Bold text one pixel left to get space i.e. Pt.X - 1)
//Highlight Delimiters - parse each charachter and check if delimiter and not selected
for j := 4 to Length(SynMemoMsg.Lines[i - 1]) do
if IsDelimiter(Delimiters, SynMemoMsg.Lines[i - 1], j) then
BC.Char := j;
BC.Line := i;
//Don't highlight delimiter if selected
if (SynMemoMsg.SelLength > 0) and ((SelStartCoord.Line = BC.Line)or (SelEndCoord.Line = BC.Line)) then
if (SelStartCoord.Line = BC.Line) and (SelEndCoord.Line = BC.Line) then
IsSelected := (SelStartCoord.Char <= BC.Char) and (SelEndCoord.Char > BC.Char)
else if (SelStartCoord.Line = BC.Line) then
IsSelected := SelStartCoord.Char <= BC.Char
else if (SelEndCoord.Line = BC.Line) then
IsSelected := SelEndCoord.Char > BC.Char;
IsSelected := false;
if not IsSelected then begin
DP := SynMemoMsg.BufferToDisplayPos(BC);
Pt := SynMemoMsg.RowColumnToPixels(DP);
if FieldDelimiter = SynMemoMsg.Lines[i - 1][j] then
Canvas.Font.Color := clGray
Canvas.Font.Color := clBlue;
Canvas.TextOut (Pt.X, Pt.Y, Copy(SynMemoMsg.Lines[i - 1], j, 1));
Well I ended up making my own SynEdit syntax-highlighter for HL7 v2.x messaging. It may not have all the bells and whistles but it’s a good start. My implementation uses Delphi XE3.
unit found below to your synedit project source folder.SynHighlighterHL7.pas
to your project and to theUses
component to a formCode:
SynHighlighterHL7.pas unit: