Switching from JQuery to RightJS

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I am currently using JQuery and recently heard about RightJS. RightJS seems to be faster, lighter & more object oriented. But I was wondering if RightJS has somethings seriously missing compared to JQuery (Other than the huge plugin base).

Update: I tried RightJS in a small web project & decided to use it on a few more projects. But I would still stick to JQuery till I am confidant about RightJS. So far RightJS seems to be doing all the things I do with JQuery (mostly ajax & selectors).


There are 3 answers



Nikolay, the author of RightJS is here. Couple of notes.

1) Mentioned above jQuery size is incorrect because 24k is the size of the gzipped version. Gzipped RightJS weights 14k.

2) I believe the_drow just don't know what he's talking about. RightJS has all the same as jQuery, Moo, Dojo or Prototype. More of that in RightJS you have things like classes, advanced form-features and cookies already packed into those 14k when jQuery has those things as plugins.

Then RightJS also has custom builds http://rightjs.org/build

As for dojo, I tried it on two projects before, and if you would ask me, I would say spare your time, jQuery is better.

The only problem with RightJS is that it's still an underground and we are still growing the critical mass of users, so occasionally you'll have to use your own brain instead of googling answers.

Sarfraz On

First of all jQuery currently weighs 24KB and rightJS weighs 30KB which means not as lighter as jquery.

Generally, when choosing amongst javascript frameworks, you consider these aspects:

  • Selectors
  • DOM traversal
  • DOM manipulation
  • Utility functions
  • Event handling
  • Ajax

Other than that, one of the most important factors are:

  • active/continuous development
  • community support

More Readings:


SideNote: Thanks for letting me know about RightJS :)

the_drow On

If you want something faster and more object oriented try the dojo toolkit.
RightJS seems nice but it's like any other minimal toolkit. I believe it's very lacking comparing to the big guns like jQuery, Dojo and Mootools.
With Dojo you can plug a datastore just about to any widget and communicate with the server side easily.
It has all of the quering capabilities jQuery has and also has a custom build process to include only what you need.
It it considered faster then jQuery in certain browsers/use cases but both are great.
There's nothing wrong with jQuery.
Both Dojo and jQuery has great community support and are continually developed.
If you are developing webapps Dojo is the right toolkit for you as it has a very comprehensive UI library.
Just check out their website. See also this wikipedia page.