Return the table in database consist of
- project_id
- task_name
- start
- complete
- location
somehow i wanna insert data from the gridview into sql. please check the code
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim SQLCmd As New SqlCommand
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon
''insert data to sql database row by row
Dim taskname, location, start, complete As String
For i As Integer = 0 To Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Count
taskname = Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).ToString()
start = Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).ToString()
complete = Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(2).ToString()
location = Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(3).ToString()
SQLCmd.CommandText = "insert into timeline ( project_id , taskname , start , complete , location) values (@pid,@task,@start,@complete,@location)"
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", TextBox1.Text)
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@task", taskname)
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@start", start)
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@complete", complete)
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@location", location)
End Sub
This Error indicates that your one of the fields
& you are try to insertmore then the capacity of that DATATYPE length.
For Example :
project_id is Declared as
and you are passing suppose 12312312313 value which is greater then the limit ofINT
datatype.So, Please Debug your code n check that what is the datatype of all the coulmns & according to that datatype are you passing the data correctly.
Example :
This example wiil throw the same error as yours Coz
coulmn we have given
this much lenght & we are trying to insert aroundVARCHAR(25)
but the limit of theDesignation
coulmn isVARCHAR(10)
then it will give you error as