I'm writing to see if someone of you guys has encountered this problem before and have a chance to understand why it happened to me.
This is the story.
I developed many ZF applications before Zend Framework v. 1.8, then I've stopped for about 18 months. Now I had to start a new project on which I decided to use Zend Framework again.
On my local server I had the version 1.11.3 installed, so I didn't download the latest release.
Before the use of Zend_Application with the Bootstrap.php file I used to start sessions putting my session options in my config.ini file and then loading them into a Zend_Session instance like this:
sessions.name = NAME
sessions.use_only_cookies = 1
sessions.save_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../tmp/sessions"
sessions.strict = on
sessions.remember_me_seconds = 1800
index.php (into the public webserver directory) before starting the application:
custom Globals class with various useful methods:
class Globals
static public function startSession()
$sessions_conf = self::getConfig()->sessions;
This has always worked very well, enabling my sessions (used with Zend_Session_Namespace) and storing the session files in the save_path.
With Zend_Application the manual tells to simply store the session options in the application.ini file under the "section" resources and Zend_Session will be configured automatically...
I did it like this:
resources.session.name = NAME
resources.session.use_only_cookies = 1
resources.session.save_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../tmp/sessions"
resources.session.strict = on
resources.session.remember_me_seconds = 1800
It didn't worked. So I tried to use (not at the same time!) the _initSession() and _initForceSession() methods in the Bootstrap.php file, putting them at the beginning of the class and writing into them the code:
But session were never working, data were not stored between http requests and session files were never written into the save_path...
Could anyone, please, let me know if this is a normal behaviour (maybe I have missed something somewhere...)?
Obviously I solved the problem re-implementing my older method (and it works perfectly), but I would like to learn how to use it correctly.
Thanks in advance.
In your Bootstrap.php add
session options can be set in application.ini