Error creating a deployment Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request: resource "SSD_TOTAL_GB": request requires '300.0' and is short '50.0'. project has a quota of '250.0' with '250.0'
I'm unable to create autopilot cluster getting above error
Learning purpose Trying to create cluster but not working
I want to resolve this error
Advance thanks help me in this issue
The error you're getting indicates that the zone/region you're in has a limit of 250 GB and the quota is exhausted now
You can follow any of this below workarounds
It might work if you change the SSD disk that comes installed to a Standard Persistent Disk. For additional subtleties follow the authority documentation.
You can reduce the amount of resources requested or limit it if you think 300GB is more than you need. The official GCP document on how to limit resources is available for your review.
You can read more about the type of disk quotas here and you can also request a quota increase if you want but Johnhanley mentioned If your account is brand new and you are not a business, the request will not be approved until you have several months of payment history.
I’m suggesting you to go with a basic (Standard) GKE cluster over Autopilot, which offers fewer management options which is best for learning purpose