Consider a SQL script designed to copy rows from one table to another in a SQL 2000 database. The transfer involves 750,000 rows in a simple:
INSERT INTO TableB([ColA],[ColB]....[ColG])
SELECT [ColA],[ColB]....[ColG]
This is a long running query, perhaps in part because ColB
is of type ntext
There are a handful of CONVERT()
operations in the SELECT
The difficulty is that after ~15 mins of operation, this exception is raised by SQL Server.
Could not allocate space for object '[TABLE]'.'[PRIMARY_KEY]' in database '[DB]' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
More Info
- Autogrowth is already on.
- there is more than enough free space on disk (~20gb)
- the single .mdf is ~6gb
- no triggers on the source or target tables
What options need to be set, either via Management Studio, or via T-SQL to allow the database to grow as required? What other remedies would you suggest?
The db could not grow as needed because I was hosting this database on an instance of SQL Server 2008 Express. Upgrading to a non-neutered version of SQL Server will solve this problem.
If you can share a screenshot/information on your PRIMARY filegroup makeup and autogrow settings (i.e. all files included in the PRIMARY and the autogrow settings for each) that would be helpful as well. First thought without seeing anything additional would be that you potentially have a maxFileSize specified for one/more of the files that makeup your PRIMARY group, but that's just a hunch without actually seeing the information.