API controller:
export const addPaymentCard = async (request: ICustomerAddPaymentCardRequest, h: ResponseToolkit) => {
try {
const { _id: customerId } = request.auth.credentials
const { cardToken } = request.payload
const customerInfo: ICustomer | null = await Customer.findOne({ _id: customerId })
if (!customerInfo) throw Boom.notFound("Customer not found")
if (!customerInfo.stripeId) {
const stripeCustomer = await createStripeCustomer({ email: customerInfo.email, metadata: { customerId: customerId.toString() } })
await Customer.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: customerInfo._id }, { stripeId: stripeCustomer.id }, { new: true })
customerInfo["stripeId"] = stripeCustomer.id
const card = await createStripeSource(customerInfo.stripeId, { source: cardToken })
return h.response({ statusCode: 200, message: "Success", data: card })
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`${request.method.toUpperCase()} ${request.url.pathname}, error=${error}`)
throw error
Boom error is thrown in this method:
export const createStripeSource = async (customerId: string, data: Stripe.CustomerSourceCreateParams) => {
try {
const source = await stripe.customers.createSource(customerId, data)
return source
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`create stripe payment methods incurred error=${error}`)
throw error
Expected error to be sent: like invalid card
Actual error being sent: Internal Server error
How can I get actual error returned by stripe? This is also happening with other methods that are returning error when called inside any handler.
node v12
@hapi/hapi v20
@hapi/boom v9