TYPO3 onepager + normal pages structure

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I am very new to TYPO3 and I am having problems achieving the following:

A website structure looking like so


— Sub content 1

— Sub content 2

— Sub content 3

— etc..

-page 1

-page 2


The home page should be collecting the “sub content 1” “sub content 2” & "sub content3", so it should behave like a one pager. And the other pages should be behaving as ‘normal’ pages.

I downloaded the FluidTypo3 kickstarter package. And followed then this tutorial: https://worksonmymachine.org/blog/onepage-design-with-fluidtypo3 where it is described how to achieve a onepager with FluidTypo3. I managed so far to get this result:


—Sub content 1

—Sub content 2

—Sub content 3

As soon as I add a new level:



—— sub content 1

—— sub content 2

The Onepager effect stops functioning, and the sub pages are not being collected anymore. I did configure under “Edit page” which template should be used, yet no success.

I am stuck to this step and can’t figure out why this is not functioning? Ideas?

I have Typo3 6.2 installed.


There are 1 answers

András Ottó On

The problem is simple: You have added one level to your menu so your old page structure not correct anymore. You use a


And it should have the correct access point to you page structure.

If you check the specification of this ViewHelper, you find the


However the specification says only:

Optional entryLevel TS equivalent of the menu (integer)

You need to search a bit more to understand its working, and if you see the TypoScript documentation for HMENU then you see how it works:

Defines at which level in the rootLine the menu should start.

Default is "0" which gives us a menu of the very first pages on the site.

If the value is < 0, entryLevel is chosen from "behind" in the rootLine. Thus "-1" is a menu with items from the outermost level, "-2" is the level before the outermost...

(You got already the help in the comments, but I wanted to write here an answer based on the feedbacks)