I see that in react native if I set a fontFamily
in a, for example, a View
, the inner elements do not inherit it the property. Is it there a cascade concept available in react native styling? How do I accomplish it?
Simplest way to cascade styles in react native
20.6k views Asked by R01010010 AtThere are 5 answers

I've achieved something like this by extracting style objects. Example below.
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
export default StyleSheet.create({
myView: {
some view styles
myText: {
some text styles
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
import globalStyle from "../globalStyle";
export default StyleSheet.create({
myLocalView: {
local view styles
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
import {myText} from "../globalStyle";
export default StyleSheet.create({
myLocalText: {
local text styles

I've had a similar kind of situation and we created a StyleClass that knows how to style each element type and individual elements by looking into predefined style objects.
We created custom wrappers for all the RN base elements which will all call to the StyleClass that knows how to find that elements base styles and any unique styles for its key/id.
Hope this helps in some way. Quick example might be like:
import React from "react";
import { Image } from "react-native";
import { StylesClass } from "./StylesClass";
const styleClass = new StyleClass();
export class MyImage extends React.Component {
render() {
const { uniqueId, sourceUrl } = this.props;
// finds styles by type "image" for base styles and "key" for unique styles
let imageStyles = stylesClass.getElementStyle("image", uniqueId) || [];
return (
source={{ uri: sourceUrl }}
StyleClass.js (happy path no null / undefined checks)
const styles = {
image: {
// default imagestyles here
const uniqueStyles = {
image: {
someUniqueId: {
// unique styles for "someUniqueId" here
export class StyleClass {
getElementStyle = (elementType, id) => {
return [ ...styles[elementType], ...uniqueStyles[elementType][id] ];
Then just use MyImage wherever you need Image.
Not necessarily cascading, more like css styling by id but our case had dynamic content coming in that needed to be styled and we didn't really have a cascading solution so we used default styles and then unique styles by each elements ID.
Pass styles as props to replicate the cascade in CSS. All child components can inherit a
prop to achieve this. It would be accomplished like:Here is an example I created to demonstrate rnplay.org/apps/dErxuQ