Should I expect Data.Vector to fuse the following function?

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I have recently started using Data.Vector. My understanding is that it should be able to take chains of vector operations and efficiently combine them via fusion.

In particular, I would expect these two functions to have similar performance characteristics (i.e. searchTopDown to fuse into something like searchTd).

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (fromList, (!))

--| Going down from i searches the vector for the element satisfying predicate 
searchTopDown :: VU.Vector Int -> Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int, Int)
searchTopDown vec i pred =
    VU.head $ VU.dropWhile (not . pred . snd)
    $ VU.reverse $ VU.take (1 + i)
    $ VU.indexed vec

searchTd :: VU.Vector Int -> Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int, Int)
searchTd vec i pred = let val = vec ! i
                      if pred val then (i,  val) else searchTd vec (i-1) pred

However, benchmarking this code shows performance difference in orders of magnitude.

                 lower bound    estimate    upper bound
OLS regression      4.51 μs     4.53 μs     4.56 μs
R² goodness-of-fit  1.000       1.000       1.000
Mean execution time 4.52 μs     4.53 μs     4.55 μs
Standard deviation  35.2 ns     50.0 ns     69.8 ns

                 lower  bound    estimate    upper bound
OLS regression     75.4 μs       76.6 μs     77.9 μs
R² goodness-of-fit  0.997        0.998       0.999
Mean execution time 74.6 μs      75.2 μs     76.1 μs
Standard deviation  1.58 μs      2.42 μs     3.75 μs

Questions: What prevents searchTopDown from being fused? What can I do to help it fuse? When should I expect fusion in general?

Code used for benchmarks:

import qualified Data.List as L
import Criterion.Main

vec :: VU.Vector Int
vec = fromList $ L.replicate 100 (-1) L.++ L.replicate 100 1

testTd :: Int -> Int
testTd i = fst $ searchTd vec i (<0)

testTopDown :: Int -> Int
testTopDown i = fst $ searchTopDown vec i (<0)

benchMain = defaultMain [
     bgroup "testTd"    [ bench "1"  $ whnf testTd 1
                        , bench "90"  $ whnf testTd 90
                        , bench "100"  $ whnf testTd 100
                        , bench "150" $ whnf testTd 150
      bgroup "topDown"  [ bench "1"  $ whnf testTopDown 1
                        , bench "90"  $ whnf testTopDown 90
                        , bench "100"  $ whnf testTopDown 100
                        , bench "150" $ whnf testTopDown 150

EDIT Following @Zeta suggestions (adding -O2) I get excellent performance from both functions. However, I experience this problem in a larger project so I changed benchmarking code to resemble it. searchTopDown seems to be linear in i for this case. New benchmarking code and results (in microsecs):

import Data.Vector.Unboxed (fromList, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.List as L

datStream :: [(Int, Int)]
datStream = [0..] $ L.replicate 100 (-1) L.++ L.replicate 100 1

vecUpdate v (iChg, vChg) = runST $ do
    mv <- VU.unsafeThaw v
    VM.modify mv (+ vChg) iChg
    VU.unsafeFreeze mv

vecs :: [VU.Vector Int]
vecs = let vecInit = VU.replicate 200 0 in L.drop 1 $ L.scanl' vecUpdate vecInit datStream

test f i = L.sum $ (\x -> fst $ f x i (<0)) vecs
testTd = test searchTd
testTopDown = test searchTopDown

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