I've configured an InnoDB MySQL v8.0.19 Group Replication Cluster in single-primary mode. I have several webapps accessing the cluster via their own MySQL Router instance in a 1:1 relationship, as per the suggested pattern.
Everything appears to be working fine, but the logs for my primary server are being filled with the following message:
[Warning] [MY-013360] [Server] Plugin sha256_password reported: ''sha256_password' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use caching_sha2_password instead'
Dumping the mysql.user
table, I see that the generated mysql_router users are using the 'mysql_native_password' plugin, and all other users are using the correct 'caching_sha2_password' plugin.
These mysql routers are the only clients accessing the server, so I suspect it's complaining about how it's accessing the cluster.
Anyone know how to fix this warning?
Set mysql global variable default_authentication_plugin worked for me.
Run docker with the chaching_sha2_password plugin
or /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf