set NSWindow focused

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I have an app winth one window and one panel, attached to this window.


  1. deactivate my app (app opened, but without the focus)
  2. click on a button on panel (panel is focused now, but main window is not)

How to set focus to the main window (parent window) from the panel?


There are 2 answers

AudioBubble On BEST ANSWER

It is not clear what you mean by focus, and whether what you call main window is a main window as defined in Cocoa. Assuming it is a Cocoa main window and focus is the same as key status,

[[NSApp mainWindow] makeKeyWindow];


[[NSApp mainWindow] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

If it is not a Cocoa main window, you need to have a reference to it and send it -makeKeyWindow or -makeKeyAndOrderFront:.

Starwave On

Swift 5 version of @BUDDAx2 answer:

NSApplication.shared.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)