Serilog: is there an ExpressionTemplateParser to extract tokens?

96 views Asked by At

I'm trying to develop my own sink, but I'm stuck in the tokens extraction step which I need in order to customize rendering style (colors etc). In a normal message template I can call MessageTemplateParser, but I didn't saw any equivalent parser for ExpressionTemplate. I tried with MessageTemplateParser like this:

var template = new MessageTemplateParser().Parse("[{@t:HH:mm:ss} {@l:u3}{#if SourceContext is not null} ({SourceContext}){#end}] {@m}\n{@x}");

Although properties seems to be extracted, the list also includes the expression language like for example {#if SourceContext is not null} (recognized as a token of Text type) and this mess up everything.

ITextFormatter contains a CompiledTemplateBlock with all the elements I'm looking for (CompiledLiteralText, CompiledExceptionToken etc), but they are not exposed.

How would be the correct way to parse an ExpressionTemplate (apart from replicate the entire CompiledTemplateBlock source tree, of course!) ?


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