Sending Multipart PDU SMS by AT Command

1.5k views Asked by At

I have successfully sent a multipart pdu sms,

The problem is when i try to send this SMS to a number on a different network it gives me the following error :


Please can any one tell me what should i do.

        atCommandStr = "AT+CMGF=0\r";
        comPort.WriteLine(atCommandStr + (char)13);


        for (int i = 0; i < number_of_parts; i++)
            int oct = (messagesParts[i].ToCharArray().Count() / 2) -1;

            atCommandStr = "AT+CMGS=" + oct + "\r";
            comPort.WriteLine(atCommandStr + (char)13);


            string path;
            path = messagesParts[i] + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(26);
            comPort.WriteLine(path + (char)13);

            for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++)

                string t = comPort.ReadExisting();

                if (t != "" && t.Contains("CMGS") || t.Contains("ERROR"))



There are 1 answers

hlovdal On

Did the modem really return +CMGS ERROR:500 and not +CMS ERROR: 500? Because in that case, your modem is not compliant with the 27.005 standard which specifies if sending fails: +CMS ERROR: <err>.

Error code 500 means unknown error, so that does not help very much. But I would guess that your length calculation is wrong. From the standard:

<length> must indicate the number of octets coded in the TP layer data unit
to be given (i.e. SMSC address octets are excluded).

Is it correct to subtract 1 after dividing by 2? Try to decode exactly what will be sent on TP layer. Try to increase/decrease the length a bit and see if it makes any difference.

Also, since atCommandStr already contains \r you should not include the + (char)13 in

comPort.WriteLine(atCommandStr + (char)13);