I am trying to update prices in multiple marketplaces using PYTHON-AMAZON-SP-API through of API FEED using feedtype = JSON_LISTINGS_FEED.
I tried like it follows, it works fine but i need to spread that price to others marketplaces, how can i achieve that? i must create one feed for each marketplace?
feed_json =
"header": {
"sellerId": "xxxxxx",
"version": "2.0",
"issueLocale": "es_ES"
"messages": [
"messageId": 1,
"sku": "SKU-1",
"operationType": "PARTIAL_UPDATE",
"productType": "PRODUCT",
"attributes": {
"purchasable_offer": [
"our_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 100
"currency": "EUR",
"marketplace_id": Marketplaces.ES.marketplace_id
feed_json_str = json.dumps(feed_json)
feed_json_bytes = BytesIO(bytes(feed_json_str, "utf-8"))
feeds_api = Feeds(credentials=MYCREDENTIALS, marketplace=Marketplaces.ES)
response = feeds_api.submit_feed(
"JSON_LISTINGS_FEED", feed_json_bytes, "application/json; charset=UTF-8")