Searching for directories with wildcard mid in path

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I want to get all directories that match a search-pattern with a wildcard mid in the path, e.g.


Is there any chance to get them with a function-call?

I've tried to use DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories(), but it seems, that for this function a wildcard is only allowed inside the last part of the path, as in:




Here some additional information and the sourcecode I used with the given feedback: Environment: Windows, Visual Studio 2022, .NET Framework 4.6.2 Existing directories: C:\MESDataTransfer\Csv_Cnc_to_Mes_Prod\job\ABD\MultiParts01 C:\MESDataTransfer\Csv_Cnc_to_Mes_Prod\job\BHX500\MultiParts01 As result I get directoryPaths.Message = "Die Anfrage ist ungültig" and directoryPaths.ErrorCode = InvalidQuery. Same error, if I replace "%" with a existing foldername "ABD". Is the syntax of @"\.\ROOT\cimv2" for ManagementScope correct? Seems to be the value for UTF16. Is this always correct?

var scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\ROOT\cimv2");
string[] selectProps = { "Path" };
var query = new SelectQuery("Win32_Directory",
    @"Drive = 'C:' and Path Like 'MESDataTransfer\Csv_Cnc_to_Mes_Prod\job\%\MultiParts01'",

using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query))
    using (var instances = searcher.Get())
        var directoryPaths = instances.Cast<ManagementObject>().Select(mo => mo["Path"]);

        // enumerate the collection.
        int nCount = 0;
        foreach (string directoryPath in directoryPaths)
            string asString = directoryPath.ToString();

There are 1 answers

lidqy On

You could do it with a WMI directory query.
It accepts wildcards for any part of the path, not just for the token at the end, aka the name.
The pendant for the Win32 '*' wildcard is a '%'.

    // needs a reference to System.Management (nuget or assembly)
    var scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\ROOT\cimv2");

    string[] selectProps = { "Path" };
    var query = new SelectQuery("Win32_Directory",
          @"Drive = 'C:' and Path Like 'folder1\folder2\%\nextFolder\lastFolder'", 

    using var searcher  = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
    using var instances = searcher.Get();
    var directoryPaths  = instances.Cast<ManagementObject>().Select(mo => mo["Path"]);

    // enumerate the collection.
    foreach (string directoryPath in directoryPaths)

If you need more details of the directories returned, than just the "Path" itself, you can add the properties wanted to the 'selectProps' array. Win32_Directory has about the same set of properties, if not more, as System.IO.DirectoryInfo has: