Im a bioinformatics student and Im trying to use snakemake to do the mapping step. Im using Linux environment. It's the first time i use snakemake, and im having issue in the code that I'm not understanding. Here's my snakemakefile;
# samples, = glob_wildcards('/../data/01-trimmed/-{sample}_S0.fastq.gz')
samples = ["Input_Si_B-Catenin_HepG2_S0"]
#reads = ["1","2"]
rule all:
# QCreads= expand("..*(I specified the right path)*/data/QC-{s}_L001_R1_001_fastqc.html",s=samples),
# trimmed=expand("../data/fastq/{s}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz",s=samples),
# QCreads2= expand("../data/QC/{s}_R2_trimmed_fastqc.html",s=samples),
rule bowtie2:
threads: 10
module load bowtie2/2.4.4
module load samtools/1.15.1
bowtie2 --phred33 --local -p {threads} -x /../hg38 -1 {input.R1} -2 {input.R2} | samtools view -bhS > {output}
samtools stats {output} > ../04-mapped/{wildcards.sample}_raw_stats.txt
and it's always giving me this error:
Building DAG of jobs...
MissingInputException in rule bowtie2 in file /../data/snakefile_mapping, line 15:
Missing input files for rule bowtie2:
output: ../04-mapped/Input_Si_B-Catenin_HepG2_S0.bam
wildcards: sample=Input_Si_B-Catenin_HepG2_S0
affected files:
Can someone explain to me please! Thanks in advance! :)
I tried to correcte the path but its always giving this same issue. I am doing mapping in paired end with bowtie2 and tried to do dry run on one sample just to test but always error! and i specified the .yaml and its good
snakemake does not find the files ../Input_Si_B-Catenin_HepG2_S0_R2.fq.gz and ../Input_Si_B-Catenin_HepG2_S0_R1.fq.gz
You could try absolute paths just to get it running (Use the -n flag to check if its working without actually running it). If this works, you could either change the relative paths, or set the working directory in the snakefile with
so the relative path do point to the right location.