Rotating about a vector, Blueprints Unreal Engine 4

3.7k views Asked by At

I have a problem where I want to rotate an Actor about an arbitrary vector, I wonder if there's a standard way of using Blueprints to achieve that, in case I have the vector's coordinates. I didn't find anything useful online.

One more smaller issue I encountered, regarding the extraction of that vector: Is there a way to extract world coordinates of some key-points of an Actor using Blueprints or the UE4 interface?

For example, given a door frame which is rotated 5 degrees around the X axis, can I extract the world coordinates of one of its corners using simple tools such as Blueprints or the interface?


There are 1 answers

Fritz On

Assuming you are rotating an actor (in this case, by your example that actor should be the door) you can take multiple approaches, but I'll list only three:

Option 1

First, define a Socket in the door mesh, in the position you want to obtain. Then, get its current position with a GetSocketLocation node.

Option 2

If your door is intended to be a blueprint and you need to get a specific point, you can define a Scene Component in that Blueprint in the specific position you want it and then create a function that returns the World Location of that component. This is particularly useful if that position can change in time.

Option 3

Simply have a Vector parameter defining the offset of your given point in the actor's local space. You'll still need a function to translate that offset from Local to World or World to Local, highly depending on your approach.

With your given context, this is a way to interpret your situation.