Referring to table fields in subform, in VBA

889 views Asked by At

I've made a simple database in ms access - made few tables, queries and so on. I also made a form and a subform inside that form. Subform contains a table with 1 column. The idea is - user inputs data in the table, then based on his typings, query runs, and produces data. Easy as that.

To make my life easier I've set up a simple function to save files as *.csv's. (also - I'm pretty new to VBA).

Function SaveAsCsv()

tExportName = "C:\Users\xxx" & Format(Date, "_mm\_dd\_yyyy") & ".csv"

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "Mass_Extract_data", tExportName, True

End Function

And now, after few runs I see there is a need to do a little enhancing, so here's my question:

How can I refer to the table field inside a subform in vba? Any help will be appreciated,

If you need more info, feel free to ask


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