I'm trying to do some feature selection algorithms on the UCI adult data set and I'm running into a problem with Univaraite feature selection. I'm doing onehot encoding on all the categorical data to change them to numerical but that gives me a lot of f scores.
How can I avoid this? What should I do to make this code better?
# Encode
adult['Gender'] = adult['sex'].map({'Female': 0, 'Male': 1}).astype(int)
adult = adult.drop(['sex'], axis=1)
adult['Earnings'] = adult['income'].map({'<=50K': 0, '>50K': 1}).astype(int)
adult = adult.drop(['income'], axis=1)
#OneHot Encode
adult = pd.get_dummies(adult, columns=["race"])
target = adult["Earnings"]
data = adult.drop(["Earnings"], axis=1)
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=5)
selector.fit_transform(data, target)
for n,s in zip( data.head(0), selector.scores_):
print "F Score ", s,"for feature ", n
Partial results of current code:
F Score 26.1375747945 for feature race_Amer-Indian-Eskimo
F Score 3.91592196913 for feature race_Asian-Pac-Islander
F Score 237.173133254 for feature race_Black
F Score 31.117798305 for feature race_Other
F Score 218.117092671 for feature race_White
Expected Results:
F Score "f_score" for feature "race"
By doing the one hot encoding the feature in above is split into many sub-features, where I would just like to generalize it to just race (see Expected Results) if that is possible.
One way in which you can reduce the number of features, whilst still encoding your categories in a non-ordinal manner, is by using binary encoding. One-hot-encoding has a linear growth rate
is the number of categories in a categorical feature. Binary encoding haslog_2(n)
growth rate. In other words, doubling the number of categories adds a single column for binary encoding, where as it doubles the number of columns for one-hot encoding.Binary encoding can be easily implemented in python by using the categorical_encoding package. The package is pip installable and works very seamlessly with sklearn and pandas. Here is an example
Here is the code from a previous answer by me using the same variables as above but with one-hot encoding. Lets compare how the two different outputs look.
See how binary encoding uses half as many columns to uniquely describe each category within the category