Is there anyway to recover a mapped drive that was disconnected without knowing the server address or name? I do not want to browse through over 85 server ips to find the correct one.
recover disconnected mapped drive
51.1k views Asked by vbNewbie AtThere are 4 answers

My old mount point didn't appear in the registry when I searched for "MRU" on my Windows 7 laptop. I'm guessing I re-logged in too often after losing the mount point, and thus the history was lost.
But I was able to find my old mount path listed under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2 . You might find your old mount listed as one of the keys under the above key. Just replace any hash marks (#) with back slashes (\).

I have a suggestion that I think a lot of people overlooked. It took me a while to find it. Since it's a server I was having issues with, I looked at users, ctl - alt -del. Then I noticed another login under users. Same user name, logged off, but still there. I then logged them off again, using the option, logoff, suddenly my mapped drives are fine. Shows amount of storage, used, etc. So looks like this solved my issue with losing mapped drives. Hope this helps others still scratching there heads.
From googling "windows history of mapped drives" i came upon this.
I've just checked my own registry and it seems to work.
Lots of others will be findable by searching for 'MRU' apparently.