Read iFrame contents in a WPF browser window c#

1.3k views Asked by At

I have an HTML document with an iFrame, which i am loading in a webbrowser window. My objective is once that iFrame document is loaded, capture the document contents and search for a particular line.

I am not been able to do it so far, any suggestions ?


    <iframe id="monitor" src=""></iframe>


There are 2 answers

Telson Alva On

i got it by doing the below

var javascript = @"

                        var Frame = document.getElementById('monitor');

            var doc = (IHTMLDocument2)webBrowser1.Document;

            //Once we have the document, execute our JavaScript in it

this would then call the below c# code

[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
        public class ComVisibleObjectForScripting
            public void iFrameCheck(HTMLDocument FrameDoc)
                //Do what you want here with your FrameDoc
                // the innerHTML will give you the content of the iframe
LInsoDeTeh On

You can add a JavaScript function to the OnLoad event of the iFrame:

document.getElementById('monitor').onload = function() { }

And then follow these solutions to parse your document. But be aware about cross-site-scripting restrictions. If the src of your iFrame is a totally different domain, it probably won't work.