RAII objects in a singleton container?

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So, I was wondering how to create some kind of a code audit in C++ using a tracking mechanism of sorts.

Consider the following classes, where two separate mirrors, A and B, provide messages to a listener.

class MirrorA
  void one(int a) {  m_mirrrorListener.three(a); }

class MirrorB
  void two(int b) {  m_mirrrorListener.three(b); }

class MirrorListener
  void three(int c) { std::cout << c << std::endl; }

Now, let's say that, for some reason, three needs to know if it was triggered by one() or two().

We can pass along a value like so:

enum mirrorSource_t
  FROM_ONE = 1,
  FROM_TWO = 2

class MirrorA
  void one(int a) {  m_mirrrorListener.three(a, FROM_ONE); }

class MirrorB
  void two(int b) {  m_mirrrorListener.three(b, FROM_TWO); }

class MirrorListener
  void three(int c, mirrorSource_t source) { std::cout << c << " From " << source << std::endl; }

But then we have to update the signature of three and its invocation whenever it needs new information.

So, what if we had a singleton message tracker (referenced as m_mirrorMessageTracker in other classes) that could track an arbitrary number of messages?

enum mirrorSource_t
  FROM_ONE = 1,
  FROM_TWO = 2

class MirrorMessage
    MirrorMessage(mirrrorSource_t t) :  source(t)  {}
    get() { return source; }

    mirrorSource_t  source;

class MirrorMessageTracker {

  MirrorMessage& MirrorMessageTracker::trackEvent(mirrorSource_t value)
    return trackedMessages.back();

  MirrorMessage&  MirrorMesssageTracker::getCurrentEvent()
    return trackedMessages.back();

  static MirrorMessageTracker& getInstance()
       m_pTracker = new MirrorMessageTracker();
    return *m_pTracker; 

    MirrorMessageTracker() { }; //  
    static MirrorMessageTracker* m_pTracker;
    std::vector<MirrorMessage> trackedMessages;  // assumption is that tracked messages are
                                                 // single-threaded and unwind in a LIFO manner.

class MirrorA
  void one(int a)
    MirrorMessage createdMessage = m_MirrorMessageTracker.trackMessage(FROM_ONE);

class MirrorB
  void two(int b)
    MirrorMessage createdMessage = m_MirrorMessageTracker.trackMessage(FROM_TWO);

class MirrorListener
  void three(int c) 
    MirrorMessage& message = m_MirrorMessageTracker.getCurrentMessage();
    if (message.get() == FROM_ONE)
      std::cout << c << std::endl;
    else if (message.get() == FROM_TWO)
      std::cout << c << c << std::endl;
      std::cout << c << c << c << std::endl;

I would like for the tracked message to be removed from the tracker after createdMessage goes out of scope in one and two. Can this be done with a particular type of boost smart pointer? Something like:

  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<MirrorMessage> > trackedMessages;

vector::push_back would create a copy of the message and place it into the vector so I'm not sure if it's possible with a shared pointer, though.


There are 1 answers

πάντα ῥεῖ On

The more common pattern to create singletons actually is

  static MirrorMessageTracker& getInstance() { 
      static MirrorMessageTracker theMirrorMesageTracker;
      return theMirrorMesageTracker; 

Also you should consider to forbid copying and assignment for your MirrorMessageTracker class, by making these operations private:

      MirrorMessageTracker() { };
      MirrorMessageTracker(const MirrorMessageTracker&); // <<<
      MirrorMessageTracker& operator=(const MirrorMessageTracker&); // <<<