QWidgetAction Not Being Returned After QMenu Close

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I have a QPushButton in a QWidgetAction in a QMenu. When the button is clicked, I want the action to trigger and the menu to close, returning which action was triggered. According to the docs, the widget itself must trigger the action directly.

Here's my code:

QMenu *menu = new QMenu();
QWidgetAction *widgetAction = new QWidgetAction(menu);
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Finish");


connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), widgetAction, SLOT(trigger()));
connect(widgetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu, SLOT(close())); //Menu won't close without this

QAction* selectedAction = menu->exec(mapToGlobal(ui->pushButton->pos()));
if(selectedAction != NULL)
    qDebug() << "no output from here";

However selectedAction always returns NULL. Regular QAction's added to the menu automatically close the menu and return pointers to themselves. Why doesn't QWidgetAction?

Thanks for your time!


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