Trying to change isValid
after the user have chose from the Menu
the right position.
It seems to work if I first choose a position and then typing the email and name at the textfields but not the other side.
I want to enable the Button
when he chose position and fulfilled the other textfields.
class EmployeeModel: ObservableObject{
@Published var employee: Employee
@Published var isValid = false
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(employee: Employee = Employee(uid: "", affiliate: 0, employeeID: 1, email: "", name: "", shiftsConstIsApplied: false, position: nil, shiftConsts: nil, pushId: "")){
self.employee = employee
.debounce(for: 0.5, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.map({!$ && !$ && $0.position != nil})
.sink{ input in
self.isValid = input
.store(in: &cancellables)
The view:
@State private var position: Positions?
@StateObject var employeeModel = EmployeeModel()
Menu(LocalizedStringKey(self.$position.wrappedValue?.rawValue ?? "Choose position")) {
ForEach(Positions.employeeTypes, id:\.self){ p in
let positionSelected = Positions(rawValue: p)
self.position = positionSelected
self.employeeModel.employee.position = positionSelected
//do something
Model Employee as ObservableObject:
@Published var uid: String?
@Published var email: String
@Published var name: String
@Published var affiliate: Int?
@Published var employeeId: Int?
@Published var shiftsConstIsApplied: Bool? = true
@Published var position: Positions?
@Published var shiftConsts: [ShiftConst]?
If I correctly understood your code try the following (not tested!)
, you don't change employee itself (because it is reference type), but just its internal property, so you need to subscribe to its internal publisher.