how do you catch lower level exceptions from quickfix which appear in the messages log but aren't caught by fromAdmin
quickfixj 35=AG message shows in session messages log but not fromAdmin
528 views Asked by rupweb At
There are 2 answers

You don't. This is by design.
If the message is rejected by the transport layer, it's because there is something fundamentally wrong with it. Maybe it's garbled and can't be decoded, maybe the sequence numbers are wrong, or maybe something else crazy happened.
Whatever the case, your application logic can not fix it, and should not attempt to. If the problem is in your app, it'll be something that requires code-fixes.
"But I want to log the error!"
You don't need to log it at the application layer. Choose a log monitor tool and set it to watch your message log for 35=3
The answer is the 35=AG message is getting to fromAdmin() but the data dictionary was inconsistent with the provider data dictionary, which generated a further 35=3 reject message, and prevented the processing of the 35=AG. Once the data dictionary is consistent removing the 35=3 reject message then you can handle the 35=AG message using fromAdmin() if you want to.
I think that's good...