I want to add timeout to pg-promise queries so they will fail after some amount of time if database have not yet responded. Is there any recommended way to do that or should I make custom wrapper that will handle timer and reject promise if it's too late?
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From the author of pg-promise...
pg-promise doesn't support query cancellation, because it is a hack to work-around incorrect database design or bad query execution.
PostgreSQL supports events that should be used when executing time-consuming queries, so instead of waiting, one can set an event listener to be triggered when specific data/view becomes available. See LISTEN/NOTIFY example.
You can extend pg-promise with your own custom query method that will time out with a reject (see example below), but that's again another work-around on top of a design problem.
Example using Bluebird:
Then you can use
db.queryTimeout(query, values, delay)
on every level.Alternatively, if you are using Bluebird, you can chain
to any of the existing methods:See also:
From version 8.5.3, pg-promise started supporting query timeouts, via property
within the connection object.You can either override the defaults:
Or specify it within the connection object: