I have used this library in the past for Qt4 but I am currently attempting to use it on a project that involves a lot more incoming data. When I attempt to connect to the correct COM port in my program, it shows no packets being received. When I use another terminal program it shows the constant flow of data. After several attempts to connect to the COM port my program finally connects and works correctly. I need my program to be able to consistently connect to a COM port when commanded. If there is anyone that has any ideas about what could be wrong with my code I would really appreciate your assistance.
#include <QtSerialPort/QSerialPort>
#include <QtSerialPort/QSerialPortInfo>
void MainWindow::comportSelected()
// If some other serial port is open then close it.
if(ui->comportList->currentIndex() != 0)
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), serial.errorString());
connect((const QObject*)&serial, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(processPendingSerialData()));
else serial.close();
I then read like:
void MainWindow::processPendingSerialData()
// While there are bytes in the buffer.
while(serial.bytesAvailable() > 0)
// Read a byte.
serial.read((char *)&ch, 1);
First off, your code looks flawless. I see no issues.
That being said, I ran into a similar issue when using a virtual COM port. The issue is that the readyRead signal implementation is device driver specific. Try running a hard line connection and see if that clears up your issue.