Is it possible to determine QMetaType::Type value of a template argument.
I tried this:
template <class T>
class MyClass {
int getType() {
return QMetaType::type(typeid(T).name());
But this returns always 0 (QMetaType::UnknownType) because Qt uses different type names than the compiler.
It should work like the following:
MyClass<int>().getType(); // 2 (QMetaType::Int)
MyClass<QString>().getType(); // 10 (QMetaType::QString)
MyClass<QRect>().getType(); // 19 (QMetaType::QRect)
MyClass<MyType>().getType(); // 1024 (Set by qRegisterMetaType)
I tested your code on Qt 5.12.4 and it seems to work. You could also Q_DECLARE_METATYPE to register your custom type and then use qMetaTypeId() to get the metaType id.
Here my test code and example:
this outputs: