Python Selenium metamask automation error

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I'm trying to automate metamask (crypto wallet extension) login on a website and I get an error when trying to find the password input element. I have managed to kind of come up with a fix but I don't understand why it wouldn't work before. This post covers this error but in a different context: Runtime.callFunctionOn threw exception: Error: LavaMoat - property "Proxy" of globalThis is inaccessible under scuttling mode.

The non-working code:

window_handles = driver.window_handles
button_metamask = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, '//button[(@data-testid="rk-wallet-option-metaMask")]')))
main_window = driver.current_window_handle
#exception thrown here v
inp = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//input')))

Message: unknown error: Runtime.callFunctionOn threw exception: Error: LavaMoat - property "Proxy" of globalThis is inaccessible under scuttling mode. To learn more visit

The working code:

window_handles = driver.window_handles
    button_metamask = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, '//button[(@data-testid="rk-wallet-option-metaMask")]')))

#this opens metamask


main_window = driver.current_window_handle
#switch to metamask window
inp = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//input')))

All I did was change the position of time.sleep(5). I don't necessarily need the time.sleep(5), it is just an example, but, instead, I need to wait for another element on the main window before switching to the metamask pop-up. Why would the position of a time.sleep() cause such an exception? I have also tried using another EC.number_of_windows_to_be(window_handles+1), but that didn't work.


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