Python script doesn't create text file on linux

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I have a script to look for directories created 3 month ago (in OperDir), and for directories made a year ago (DelDir). It takes dirnames and creates a .txt files with these dirnames. It works correctly on Windows, but does not create files on Linux, even under the root. Could it be a problem with the permissions or something else? Here is the code:

import os, time, sys
from os.path import join, getsize, isfile, isdir, splitext
import ctypes
import platform
from os import path
import shutil
import logging
from logging import handlers
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def checkTime(timed):                           
    curr_time = str(time.gmtime())
    year_st = curr_time.find('tm_year') + 8
    year_fin = curr_time.find('tm_mon') - 2
    year = int(curr_time[year_st:year_fin:1])
    month_st = curr_time.find('tm_mon') + 7
    month_fin = curr_time.find('tm_mday') - 2
    month = int(curr_time[month_st:month_fin:1])
    day_st = curr_time.find('tm_mday') + 8
    day_fin = curr_time.find('tm_hour') - 2
    day = int(curr_time[day_st:day_fin:1])
    if timed == 'year':
        return year
    elif timed == 'month':
        return month
    elif timed == 'day':
        return day

def split(path):
    head, tail = os.path.split(path)
    return tail

def moveFileOperativeTest(pathOper, pathDelete, nameOper):
    logfile = open('MovedFilesLog.txt', 'a+')
    logfile.write(str(checkTime('day')) + '.' + str(checkTime('month')) + '.' + str(checkTime('year')) + ' - ' + "File '%s' will be moved from '%s' to the '%s'.\n" % (nameOper, pathOper, pathDelete))
    '''with open('MovedFilesLog.txt', 'a') as logfile:
        logfile.write(checkTime('day') + '.' + checkTime('month') + '.' + checkTime('year') + ' - ' + "File '%s' will be moved from '%s' to the '%s'.\n" % (nameOper, pathOper, pathDelete))

def removeFileTest(pathDelete, nameDelete):
    logfile = open('RemovedFilesLog.txt', 'a+')
    logfile.write(str(checkTime('day')) + '.' + str(checkTime('month')) + '.' + str(checkTime('year')) + ' - ' + "File '%s' will be removed from '%s' directory.\n" % (nameDelete, pathDelete))
    '''with open('RemovedFilesLog.txt', 'a') as logfile:
        logfile.write(checkTime('day') + '.' + checkTime('month') + '.' + checkTime('year') + ' - ' + "File '%s' will be removed from '%s' directory.\n" % (nameDelete, pathDelete))

def pathed(pathOper, pathDelete, yearOper, monthOper, dayOper, yearDel, monthDel, dayDel):
    for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(pathOper):
        for subdirname in dirnames:
            dirpath = os.path.join(dirname, subdirname)
            if getCreationDate(dirpath, 'day') == dayOper and getCreationDate(dirpath, 'month') == monthOper and getCreationDate(dirpath, 'year') == yearOper:
                nameOper = split(dirpath)
                print "opername = " +nameOper
                moveFileOperativeTest(pathOper, pathDelete, nameOper)
                #moveFileOperative(pathOper, pathDelete, nameOper)
    for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(pathDelete):
        for subdirname in dirnames:
            dirpath = os.path.join(dirname, subdirname)
            if getCreationDate(dirpath, 'day') == dayOper and getCreationDate(dirpath, 'month') == monthOper and getCreationDate(dirpath, 'year') == yearOper:
                nameDelete = split(dirpath)
                print 'namedel = ' + nameDelete
                removeFileTest(pathDelete, nameDelete)
                #removeFile(pathDelete, nameDelete)
    print 'Done'

def dateCheck(pathOper, pathDelete):
    operVar = 92
    delVar = 365
    operDate = - timedelta(days=operVar)
    delDate = - timedelta(days=delVar)
    yearOper = int(str(operDate)[0:4:1])
    monthOper = int(str(operDate)[5:7:1])
    dayOper = int(str(operDate)[8:10:1])
    yearDel = int(str(delDate)[0:4:1])
    monthDel = int(str(delDate)[5:7:1])
    dayDel = int(str(delDate)[8:10:1])
    pathed(pathOper, pathDelete, yearOper, monthOper, dayOper, yearDel, monthDel, dayDel)

def getCreationDate(path, timed):
    dict_month = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6, 'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12}
    creation = str(time.ctime(os.path.getctime(path)))
    month = int(dict_month.get(creation[4:7:1]))
    day = int(creation[8:10:1])
    year = int(creation[-4::1])
    if timed == 'day':
        return day
    elif timed == 'month':
        return month
        return year

dateCheck("/opt/***", "/opt/****")

I'm sorry if that's a silly question, I'm new in Python.

Thanks for your help.


There are 1 answers

Simon Fraser On

The short answer is that it's your use of wildcards (and in fact, too many wildcards):

dateCheck("/opt/***", "/opt/****")

os.walk tries to open a directory called /opt/***, which doesn't exist. If you open /opt/ instead, it works.

There are quite a few issues with the code, however, including what happens when you're walking over a directory tree when you're changing it, and also not using the datetime attributes to look up day, month and year, but instead doing string and int conversions and slices to extract the information the hard way. May I suggest posting the script on as well, as a learning experience?

An an example of what I mean by the datetime comments, this function:

def dateCheck(pathOper, pathDelete):
    operVar = 92
    delVar = 365
    operDate = - timedelta(days=operVar)
    delDate = - timedelta(days=delVar)
    yearOper = int(str(operDate)[0:4:1])
    monthOper = int(str(operDate)[5:7:1])
    dayOper = int(str(operDate)[8:10:1])
    yearDel = int(str(delDate)[0:4:1])
    monthDel = int(str(delDate)[5:7:1])
    dayDel = int(str(delDate)[8:10:1])
    pathed(pathOper, pathDelete, yearOper, monthOper, dayOper, yearDel, monthDel, dayDel)

Could be replaced with this, which is much clearer:

def dateCheck(pathOper, pathDelete):
    operVar = 92
    delVar = 365
    operDate = - timedelta(days=operVar)
    delDate = - timedelta(days=delVar)
    pathed(pathOper, pathDelete, operDate.year, operDate.month,, delDate.year, delDate.month,

Or even just passing the datetime objects around and looking up the year, month and day when they're needed:

def dateCheck(pathOper, pathDelete):
    operVar = 92
    delVar = 365
    operDate = - timedelta(days=operVar)
    delDate = - timedelta(days=delVar)
    pathed(pathOper, pathDelete, operDate, delDate)