I just created an Azure VM using the Windows 8.1 image in the Marketplace. During the creation process I provided a username and password.
After the VM has been created I press connect and try and login via MSTSC - using the credentials that I just entered (with a slash to remove the domain).
But I keep getting 'Your credentials did not work'. What have I done wrong? This procedure has worked for me in the past.
Furthermore, when I review the users of the VM through the portal, I only see 'Subscription admins' containing my Microsoft ID. I can't login using my Microsoft ID either.
First of all, I don't know why someone downvoted this question. It was legitimate, it also happened to me and I reached this post while trying to find a solution.
Currently I found it. I created a Windows 8.1 VM in Azure and, after providing a username and password, I was getting the 'Your credentials did not work' message when giving them.
I tried some variants and I finally got sucessfull by adding the machine name as the domain (as the user I created is local, it makes sense).
e.g. if your machine is xpto.cloudapps.net, try logging using "xpto\username" as your username.
It worked with me.