For background knowledge: Compute/Memory nova instances in Rackspace don't come with a local root volume, Rackspace has a policy to create them with an external SSD bootable volumes. Now the question: I am trying to create a Compute flavor instance in Rackspace using pyrax api, in a way that Rackspace does in its UI( as follows:
nics=networks, key_name=key)
where block_device_mapping = {"vda": "59fb72d5-0b33-46c2-b10b-33fed25c5f74:::1"}, the long 32 digit number is the volume_id of the volume I create before server creation using
pyrax.cloud_blockstorage.create(name=volume_name, size=volume_size,
I get an error saying:
Policy doesn't allow memory_flavor:create:image_backed to be performed.(HTTP 403).
Also for other flavors which come with a local root volume(needless to say I don't have reference those with 'block_device_mapping' param), the pyrax api for instance creation works fine. Here is a little thread on the topic in the pyrax/rackspace repo on github: that discusses about the issue. Is there something I am missing?
When a bootable volume is created, image_id(OS image id) should be specified to boot the volume:
Also The block_device_map needs some more params:
And here's the final catch in actually not getting a 403 Forbidden error: While creating a server instance, don't specify the image id again in the pyrax call params, otherwise pyrax gets confused with what image to boot the instance. Hence just put a None to image_id in the params for pyrax.cloudservers.servers.create() as: