With the code below, I generate a tree menu from sql results. I want to put the <a>
text into a <h3>
Whats the right and valid way for that?
foreach($res AS $t)
if($oldal_most == "kategoria")
if($seocim == $t["kat_id"])
$style = 'class="kategoria_now"';
$style = 'class="kategoria_simple"';
echo '<li id="kategoria_'.$t["kat_seo_url"]."-".$t["kat_id"].'"><a href="'.$host."".str_replace('//','/',"/kategoria/".$t["kat_id"]."/".$pre."/". $t["kat_seo_url"]).'" '.$style.' title="'. $t["kat_nev"] .'">'. $t["kat_nev"] .'</a>';
if($t["subcatsnumber"] > 0 AND isset( $_GET["q"]) AND (in_array($t["kat_seo_url"] , $this->modules)) )
echo '<ul>';
$this->renderKatLi($t["kat_id"] , str_replace('//','/', $pre."/".$t["kat_seo_url"] ), $level++ );
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
Could you do this:
Or this: