Process information in OpenBSD

3.2k views Asked by At

I am new to OpenBSD. I have worked on Linux before. I am looking for the directory where I can find the information about the processes running currently. In Linux, we have /proc directory where the entire list is present. But I can not find a similar setup in OpenBSD 4.6. I know there are commands like ps, top and sysctl but I want to get that information through a C code.


There are 2 answers

loreb On

procfs in the BSDs is either deprecated or removed altogether, sorry. That being said, it's also quite usual to have the sources for your system under /usr/src, so you can look at them if you really need to. Or you can just browse them on the web, eg

AudioBubble On

You can use sysctl to get the running processes in an array of kinfo_proc structures, this type is defined in:


The top command uses a function named getprocs that works this way, it's defined in:


The next utility outputs information of all running processes using a slightly modified version of getprocs:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <kvm.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0

struct kinfo_proc * getprocs( int * count, int threads )
    struct kinfo_proc * procbase = NULL ;
    unsigned int maxslp ;
    size_t size = sizeof( maxslp ) ;
    int maxslp_mib[] = { CTL_VM, VM_MAXSLP } ;
    int mib[6] =
        sizeof( struct kinfo_proc ),
    } ;

    if( sysctl( maxslp_mib, 2, &maxslp, &size, NULL, 0 ) == -1 )
        perror( "list" ) ;
        return NULL ;


    if( sysctl( mib, 6, NULL, &size, NULL, 0 ) == -1 )
        perror( "list" ) ;
        return NULL ;

    size = 5 * size / 4 ;           /* extra slop */
    procbase = (struct kinfo_proc *)malloc( size ) ;
    if( procbase == NULL )
        perror( "list" ) ;
        return NULL ;

    mib[5] = (int)( size / sizeof( struct kinfo_proc ) ) ;
    if( sysctl( mib, 6, procbase, &size, NULL, 0 ) )
        if( errno == ENOMEM )
            free( procbase ) ;
            goto retry;
        perror( "list" ) ;
        return NULL ;

    *count = (int)( size / sizeof( struct kinfo_proc ) ) ;
    return procbase ;

int showinfo( int threads )
    struct kinfo_proc * list, * proc ;
    int count, i ;
    if( ( list = getprocs( &count, threads ) ) == NULL )
        return 1 ;
    proc = list ;
    if( threads )
        for( i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i, ++proc )
            if( proc->p_tid != -1 )
                printf( "%s: pid: %d (tid: %d)\n", proc->p_comm, proc->p_pid, proc->p_tid ) ;
        for( i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i, ++proc )
            printf( "%s: pid: %d\n", proc->p_comm, proc->p_pid ) ;
    return 0 ;

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    if( argc == 1 )
        return showinfo( FALSE ) ;
    else if( argc == 2 && ( !strcmp( argv[1], "-t" ) || !strcmp( argv[1], "--threads" ) ) )
        return showinfo( TRUE ) ;
        printf( "Usage:\n" ) ;
        printf( "      list [-h] [-t]\n\n" ) ;
        printf( "Options:\n" ) ;
        printf( "      -h, --help            Print this information\n" ) ;
        printf( "      -t, --threads         Show threads\n\n" ) ;
        return 0 ;