problems with meteor ground:db while persisting data between app restarts

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I am using meteor package ground db ""

in my meteor & ionic app. I am facing a problem in data persistence between app restarts. Initially when the app starts and then goes into offline mode during navigating the app, the data is retained. However if I close and restart the app in offline mode, the data is lost. How can I get the data grounded previously during app start, later on when the app is restarted while offline?

My ground db version is 2.0.0-rc.7 and ionic version is 3.1.1

My code is :

In collections.ts (common to both client and server)

export const Messages = new MongoObservable.Collection("messages");

in client (at app start)

this.persistentColleciton = new Ground.Collection('msgs', Messages);


    MeteorObservable.subscribe('messages').subscribe(() => {
} else {
    this.messages = Messages.collection.find().fetch();

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