I have a serious problem with Pechkin
After converting an html string to pdf for n-times, it won't work anymore.
Does anybody know how can I fix the problem?
Here is my code:
public static byte[] HtmlToPdf(string html)
// Create global configuration object
var gc = new GlobalConfig();
// A new instance of Margins with x-inch margins.
gc.SetMargins(new Margins(20, 20, 20, 20))
var pechkin = new SimplePechkin(gc);
var configuration = new ObjectConfig();
// Generate the PDF with the given configuration
var pdfContent = pechkin.Convert(configuration, html);
return pdfContent;
In the caller method:
var html = "Hi there!";
var pdf = PdfHelper.HtmlToPdf(html);
PdfHelper.DownloadAsPdfFile("MyFileName", pdf);
Actually after n-times print, the program is stopped in Convert
var pdfContent = pechkin.Convert(configuration, html);
Any help would be much appreciated.