I have custom(dynamic QString) for example something like this 123+555 and i need to get this after +.Also there can be something different then + (/,*,- etc.). My question is how to get part of string after some char.
C++ QT Getting part from QString
316 views Asked by Wiruspwns At
There are 2 answers
Since you're usin Qt, you could try the class: QRegExp.
With such class you could write code like this:
// This code was not tested.
QRegExp rx("(\\d+)(\\+|\\-|\\*|/)(\\d+)"); // Be aware, I recommend you to read the link above in order to see how construct the proper regular expression.
int pos = rx.indexIn("23+344");
if (pos > -1) {
QString number_1 = rx.cap(1); // "23"
QString op = rx.cap(2); // "+"
QString number_2 = rx.cap(3); // "344"
// ...
This way you don't have to write code to check which of the characters(operators) "+, -, *, /" is present to then perform a split on the string depending on what character was found.
Use the split function, which allows you to specify the separator and returns a list of the elements.
Alternatively, you can find by index the separating character location and use that with a call to right