In the documentation for scalajs-react
's router, @japgolly cautions users of the library that starting URLs with '/' slashes requires additional server configuration.
To allow pretty URLs without #
, so far I've tried to write a catch-all route in the Play routes
file like the following:
# Home page
GET / String = "")
# Catch-all route
GET /*path String)
with the matching index path in Application.scala
def index(path: String = "") = Action {
and finally the routes declared using RouterConfigDsl
in the front-end:
def create = Router(BaseUrl.until_#, RouterConfigDsl[Loc].buildConfig { dsl =>
import dsl._
( emptyRule
| staticRoute(root, DashboardLoc) ~> render(filler("Dashboard"))
| staticRoute("purchase-orders", PurchaseOrdersLoc) ~> render(filler("Purchase Orders"))
| staticRoute("dashboard", DashboardLoc) ~> render(filler("Dashboard"))
| staticRoute("items", ItemsLoc) ~> render(ItemGallery())
| staticRoute("customers", CustomersLoc) ~> render(filler("Customers"))
| staticRoute("sales-orders", SalesOrdersLoc) ~> render(filler("Sales Orders"))
| staticRoute("preorders", PreordersLoc) ~> render(filler("Pre-orders"))
.setTitle(l => s"XYZ | ${}")
Running locally, I have the app auto-redirecting to DashboardLoc
at localhost:9000/dashboard
and the other static routes work when clicking on them within the web app but fail when reloading.
As it turns out, the problem after all was using
instead ofBaseUrl.fromWindowOrigin_/
. Now all the routes work as expected.