I am trying to use cox model to predict the probability of failure after time (which is named stop) 3.
bladder1 <- bladder[bladder$enum < 5, ]
coxmodel = coxph(Surv(stop, event) ~ (rx + size + number) +
cluster(id), bladder1)
range(predict(coxmodel, bladder1, type = "lp"))
range(predict(coxmodel, bladder1, type = "risk"))
range(predict(coxmodel, bladder1, type = "terms"))
range(predict(coxmodel, bladder1, type = "expected"))
However, the outputs of predict function are all not in 0-1 range. Is there any function or how can I use the lp prediction and baseline hazard function to calculate probability?
Please read the help page for
. None of those are supposed to be probabilities. The linear predictor for a specific set of covariates is the log-hazard-ratio relative to a hypothetical (and very possibly non-existent) case with the mean of all the predictor values. The 'expected' comes the closest to a probability since it is a predicted number of events, but it would require specification of the time and then be divided by the number at risk at the beginning of observation.In the case of the example offered on that help page for
, you can see that the sum of predicted events is close the the actual number:I suspect you may want to be working instead with the
function, since the probability of event is 1-probability of survival.The code for a similar question appears here: Adding column of predicted Hazard Ratio to dataframe after Cox Regression in R
Since you suggested using the bladder1 dataset, then this would be the code for a specification of time=5
That would return as a list with the survival prediction as a list element named