Point light Dual-paraboloid VSM in deferred rendering

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I've been following this tutorial to implement my variance shadow mapping feature for point light in deferred rendering.

I'm using GLSL 3.3, left-handed coordinate system. Here is what I've been doing:

I render the scene to dual-paraboloid maps, storing depth and depth * depth.

Result: enter image description here

Above image contains front and back maps. The point light is at the center of scene, you can see where it glows yellow the most.

Then I set up a full-screen shader pass. I do this by transforming the tutorial code from FX to GLSL.

Author's .fx code:

    float4 TexturePS(float3 normalW : TEXCOORD0, float2 tex0 : TEXCOORD1, float3 pos : TEXCOORD2) : COLOR
        float4 texColor = tex2D(TexS, tex0 * TexScale);

        pos = mul(float4(pos, 1.0f), LightView);

        float L = length(pos);
        float3 P0 = pos / L;

        float alpha = .5f + pos.z / LightAttenuation;

        P0.z = P0.z + 1;
        P0.x = P0.x / P0.z;
        P0.y = P0.y / P0.z;
        P0.z = L / LightAttenuation;

        P0.x = .5f * P0.x + .5f;
        P0.y = -.5f * P0.y + .5f;

        float3 P1 = pos / L;

        P1.z = 1 - P1.z;
        P1.x = P1.x / P1.z;
        P1.y = P1.y / P1.z;
        P1.z = L / LightAttenuation;

        P1.x = .5f * P1.x + .5f;
        P1.y = -.5f * P1.y + .5f;

        float depth;
        float mydepth;
        float2 moments;
        if(alpha >= 0.5f)
            moments = tex2D(ShadowFrontS, P0.xy).xy;
            depth = moments.x;
            mydepth = P0.z;
            moments = tex2D(ShadowBackS, P1.xy).xy;
            depth = moments.x;
            mydepth = P1.z;

        float lit_factor = (mydepth <= moments[0]);

        float E_x2 = moments.y;
        float Ex_2 = moments.x * moments.x;
        float variance = min(max(E_x2 - Ex_2, 0.0) + SHADOW_EPSILON, 1.0);
        float m_d = (moments.x - mydepth);
        float p = variance / (variance + m_d * m_d); //Chebychev's inequality

        texColor.xyz *= max(lit_factor, p + .2f);

        return texColor;

My translated GLSL code:

    void main() {
        vec3 in_vertex = texture(scenePosTexture, texCoord).xyz; // get 3D vertex from 2D screen coordinate
        vec4 vert = lightViewMat * vec4(in_vertex, 1); // project vertex to point light space (view from light position, look target is -Z)

        float L = length(vert.xyz);

        float distance = length(lightPos - in_vertex);
        float denom = distance / lightRad + 1;
        float attenuation = 1.0 / (denom * denom);

        // to determine which paraboloid map to use
        float alpha = vert.z / attenuation + 0.5f;

        vec3 P0 = vert.xyz / L;

        P0.z = P0.z + 1;
        P0.x = P0.x / P0.z;
        P0.y = P0.y / P0.z;
        P0.z = L / attenuation;

        P0.x = .5f * P0.x + .5f;
        P0.y = -.5f * P0.y + .5f;

        vec3 P1 = vert.xyz / L;

        P1.z = 1 - P1.z;
        P1.x = P1.x / P1.z;
        P1.y = P1.y / P1.z;
        P1.z = L / attenuation;

        P1.x = .5f * P1.x + .5f;
        P1.y = -.5f * P1.y + .5f;

        // Variance shadow mapping
        float depth;
        float mydepth;
        vec2 moments;

        if(alpha >= 0.5f)
            moments = texture(shadowMapFrontTexture, P0.xy).xy;
            depth = moments.x;
            mydepth = P0.z;
            moments = texture(shadowMapBackTexture, P1.xy).xy;
            depth = moments.x;
            mydepth = P1.z;

        // Original .fx code is: float lit_factor = (mydepth <= moments[0]);
        // I'm not sure my translated code belew is correct

        float lit_factor = 0;
        if (mydepth <= moments.x)
            lit_factor = mydepth;
            lit_factor = moments.x;

        float E_x2 = moments.y;
        float Ex_2 = moments.x * moments.x;
        float variance = min(max(E_x2 - Ex_2, 0.0) + SHADOW_EPSILON, 1.0);
        float m_d = (moments.x - mydepth);
        float p = variance / (variance + m_d * m_d); //Chebychev's inequality

        fragColor = texture(sceneTexture, texCoord).rgb; // sample original color
        fragColor.rgb *= max(lit_factor, p + .2f);

Render result enter image description here enter image description here

Right now I'm clueless about where I'm gonna touch to render the shadow correctly. Could someone point it out for me?


There are 2 answers

Manh Nguyen Tien On

Some friend of mine pointed out that the Y component is flipped, that's why shadow looked like up-side down. After adding minus to P0 and P1's Y, it starts to show quite reasonable shadow: enter image description here

But another problem is the location of shadow is wrong. enter image description here

Sylvain Doremus On

Why do you duplicate the paraboloid projection computation ?
You compute it on 'vert', then 'P0' and 'P1', shouldn't you do it only on 'P0' and 'P1' ? (The original code doesn't do this thing on 'pos').


Your lit_factor is wrong, it should be either 0.0 or 1.0.
You could use the step() GLSL intrinsic, in this way :
float lit_factor = step(mydepth, moments[0]);