PlutoSliderServer buggy with MultiCheckBox

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I am trying to deploy a Pluto notebook using the PlutoSliderServer package and while the deployment does take place, I am observing some buggy behavior with the PlutoUI package elements; specifically the MultiCheckBox. This only happens when the SliderServer runs the notebook; it works just fine when Pluto is running it. I am wondering if someone else has encountered this.

Here is a MWE:

using  PlutoUI

    sites = ["France","Germany","Russia","China"]
    groupdict = Dict(zip(sites,[[:blue, :white, :red], 
        [:black, :red, :yellow], [:blue, :red, :white], 
        [:red, :yellow]] ))

@bind loc Select(sites)

@bind col MultiCheckBox(groupdict[loc])

enter image description here

I opened an issue on Github but then on second thought felt I should have asked around here first to see if someone has encountered something similar.


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