Pitest is failing showing: No mutations found due to the supplied classpath or filters + Gradle

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I'm trying to run a pitest report on a gradle + kotlin project, but I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" org.pitest.help.PitHelpError: No mutations found. This probably means there is an issue with either the supplied classpath or filters. See http://pitest.org for more details. at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.MutationCoverage.checkMutationsFound(MutationCoverage.java:352) at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.MutationCoverage.runReport(MutationCoverage.java:132) at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.EntryPoint.execute(EntryPoint.java:123) at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.EntryPoint.execute(EntryPoint.java:54) at org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport.runReport(MutationCoverageReport.java:98) at org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport.main(MutationCoverageReport.java:45)

I tried everything that I found on google but still not working for me: This is my build.gradle config

plugins {
id 'groovy-gradle-plugin'
id 'info.solidsoft.pitest' version '1.7.4'

repositories {
maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" }

dependencies {
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.4.20'
implementation 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:6.1.0'

pitest {
targetClasses = ['com.project.root.to.test.with.pitest.src*']  //by default 
pitestVersion = '1.7.4' //not needed when a default PIT version should be used
threads = 4
outputFormats = ['XML', 'HTML']
timestampedReports = false

I tried this targetClasses in a different ways:

targetClasses = ['com.project.root.to.test.with.pitest.src.*']  //by default 
targetClasses = ['com/project/root/to/test/with/pitest/src*']  //by default 

Can someone help me, please?


There are 2 answers

henry On

You look to be trying to supply pitest with a source folder


Pitest works against the compiled bytecode, not the source files. It expects a glob that matches against the package.

David Jones On

I've experienced this same issue today. You'll need to make sure all references to pitest use the same version 1.7.4. This includes

  • plugin: id 'info.solidsoft.pitest' version '1.7.4'
  • pitestVersion: pitestVersion.set('1.7.4')
  • dependency: testCompile 'info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest:gradle-pitest-plugin:1.7.4'

Which out changing all references, then it will break.